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Advances in Drainage: Selected Works from the Tenth International Drainage Symposium  Public Access

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Transactions of the ASABE. 61(1): 161-168. (doi: 10.13031/trans.12668) @2018
Authors:   Jeffrey S. Strock, Professor, Christopher Hay, Senior Environmental Scientist, Matthew J. Helmers, Dean’s Professor, Kelly A. Nelson, Professor, Gary R. Sands, Professor, R. Wayne Skaggs, Professor Emeritus, Kyle R. Douglas-Mankin, Supervisory Hydrologist
Keywords:   ASABE Drainage Symposium, crop response, design and management, hydrology and scale, modeling, water quality.

Abstract. This article introduces a special collection of fourteen articles accepted from among the 140 technical presentations, posters, and meeting papers presented at the 10th International ASABE Drainage Symposium. The symposium continued in the tradition of previous symposia that began in 1965 as a forum for presenting and assessing the progress of drainage research and implementation throughout the world. The articles in this collection address a wide range of topics grouped into five broad categories: (1) crop response, (2) design and management, (3) hydrology and scale, (4) modeling, and (5) water quality. The collection provides valuable information for scientists, engineers, planners, and others working on crop production, water quality, and water quantity issues affected by agricultural drainage. The collection also provides perspectives on the challenges of increasing agricultural production in a changing climate, with ever-greater attention to water quality and quantity concerns that will require integrated technical, economic, and social solutions.

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