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Using Ground-Penetrating Radar to Evaluate Soil Compaction of Athletic Turfgrass Fields

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 24(4): 509-514. (doi: 10.13031/2013.25136) @2008
Authors:   R. S. Freeland, J. C. Sorochan, M. J. Goddard, J. S. McElroy
Keywords:   Clegg Impact Soil Tester, Geophysics, GPR, Turfgrass, Sports turf

Repairing a compacted turfgrass athletic field is a laborious activity, requiring significant expense. The objective of this project is to develop a rapid survey method for mapping soil compaction that occurs from player trafficking. Once mapped, field managers can target compacted regions of their fields for site-specific remediation; thereby, reducing their labor and expenses.

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