About This Site |
ASABE members are provided an annual allotment of download credits as a benefit of membership. Individuals desiring access to the full-text are encouraged to become a member. The "Join ASABE" button on the home page provides more details. Individual documents or bundles of credits for downloads can also be purchased using the shopping cart on this site. Access is also available to all employees and students affiliated with institutions and companies purchasing access via a license agreement. The site was launched in January 2001 with technical documents added as they were published through out the year. Each year nearly 20,000 pages of content will be added. Some material published prior to 2001 has been added to the site in PDF only format. More is scheduled to be added as funds allow. Note that this site is not integrated with the ASABE Home Page located at http://www.asabe.org. Changing your password on the ASABE site does not change the password you use to access the full-text in the Technical Library. To access the full text on this site, do a search or find a document on the Publications Included page. Click on the underlined document title or PDF link. You will be prompted for your member number and birth year. It is only necessary to log in once every 24 hours to this site if using the same computer. If your university or company has purchased access for all via site license no log in is required. The connection is via IP address. You'll note that most documents offer the option of viewing and downloading in HTML or PDF format. The PDF format replicates the original printed page but is not normally as easy to view on screen as the HTML format. You are likely to find the HTML format faster to print but the appearance of the printed page is limited by the options available in that format. Some documents may be available in PDF format only, especially any material published before late 2000. You will need Adobe Acrobat available on your machine to read the PDF files. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat, click here for a free download. The material on this site is protected by copyright. Please do not duplicate the material in electronic or print format other than for your personal use or as defined in your organization's site license agreement with ASABE. If you have questions, contact your library staff or ASABE. Usual copyright rules apply. A complete list of previously published books and other materials can be found on the Society website at http://www.asabe.org. |
Navigation Tips |
Note: the search process has been modified. It is no longer necessary to enter Boolean operators like NEAR or AND in the query box.This now takes place behind the scenes. Which operator is used depends on which query box you select.
There are three query box options when searching with the “Find words anywhere” box checked. If any other boxes such as Keyword or Title are checked, only the “with exact word or phrase” option appears. Results are displayed in order of relevance. Query Box Options:With all of the words: entering irrigation scheduling corn searches for “irrigation near scheduling near corn." With exact word of phrase: looks for an exact match. With at least one or more of the words:entering irrigation scheduling corn searches for “irrigation Or scheduling OR corn.” Entering your query in the box:Do not use punctuation such as . , - in your query. For instance, to find ASABE Standard S201.4 by document number key S201 in the query box, leaving off the .4. To find ASABE paper number 01-1234 key in 011234. Use the options listed under the "Search In" section on the home page to refine your search:Select a specific type of publication using the pull down Category menu. For instance you may only want to locate peer-reviewed journal articles. Then check one or more of the boxes below the Category menu to limit the search to a particular portion of the document. Checking just the Key Word List box will limit the search to the author assigned keywords. Checking both the Title and Key Word List box will search both of these fields. |
About ASABE |
The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers is a professional and technical organization dedicated to the advancement of engineering applicable to agricultural, food, and biological systems. Founded in 1907 and headquartered in St Joseph, Michigan, ASABE comprises 9,000 members representing more than 90 countries. Members of ASABE serve in industry, academia, and public service. They all share a key commonality: ASABE members are uniquely qualified to determine and develop more efficient and environmentally sensitive methods of cultivating food and fiber for an ever-increasing world population. Membership in the Society is open to engineers and non-engineers alike. For more information about membership and other ASABE opportunitites visit our web site by clicking the ASABE link. |
About ASABE Publications |
Over 1,500 information resources are published each year, including technical papers from meetings and conferences, peer-reviewed journal articles, a membership magazine, textbooks, reference books, and standards. A separate book series highlights the history of agricultural equipment. The publications are targeted to engineers, scientists, technicians, and others interested in the subject areas covered by ASABE. Researchers, equipment or system designers, consultants, extension specialists, students, instructors, and other technically oriented industry and agri-business personnel are frequent users of ASABE information. ASABE's four journals, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, Transactions of the ASABE and Biological Engineering Transactions, are refereed publications that must go through a rigorous peer-review before being approved for publication. ASABE also publishes papers presented at its meetings and conferences. These technical papers and proceedings are not subject to a peer-review process nor are they edited before publication. The documents are created directly from author supplied files. As there is little lag time between presentation at the meeting and posting to the site, these documents often provide leading-edge information on new research or application developments. Technical books including textbooks and monographs are approved for publication by the ASABE's Textbook and Monograph Committee. ASABE Standards and Engineering Practices are voluntary, consensus industry standards developed and adopted by ASABE. All standards pass through extensive reviews by experts to confirm technical accuracy and to assure that consensus has been achieved. For more information on our journals, books, or standards, visit the ASABE website at http://www.asabe.org.